Robbing Disabled People

Video story about Haji Ahmed, 90, who has limited mobility, had his blue badge stolen from his son's car. His son Waleed Butt, from Chigwell, Essex, had taken Mr Ahmed out for a meal and parked his car legally in a disabled bay. His car window was smashed and the badge stolen while they were away. He was also given a £100 parking ticket. Mr Butt said: "It's just unfair that disabled people are being targeted in this way - it's disgusting." Blue Badge theft - video 167% increase in Blue Badge theft 2013/14
Callous thieves target elderly & disabled people
Blue disabled badge thefts The Problem: Callous thieves stealing blue parking badges from elderly and disabled in Redbridge Lizzie Dearden, Reporter Wednesday, October 2, 201311:44 AM Callous thieves are targeting blue parking badges used by elderly and disabled people. Between January and December this year, 89 permits were stolen from vehicles in Redbridge, including some cars that were left unlocked. Speaking to Ilford residents at an area committee seven meeting last week, Sgt Wayne McBride said police are launching a crackdown on theft from vehicles. He added: “We’ve seen a huge increase in theft from motor vehicles, particularly blue badges....